sábado, 27 de abril de 2013


Meiler Rodríguez, C., Freire Obregón, D., Rubio Royo, E. (2012): “Teachers among our students: when leadership emerges within the group”  ISBN: 978-84-616-0763-1. ICERI 2012 Proceedings 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. 19th- 21st November 2012, Madrid, Spain. Published by IATED.


When we think about the roles in classroom we use to distinguish between teachers and students. Historically the main responsibility of the learning process has fallen on the teachers while the students have simply followed the instructions of their teachers to achieve the acquisition of meaningful learning. However, in recent years we have seen how the role of these teachers has changed from being instructors to be new guides in the acquisition of knowledge. This change of role was a result of the rapid development of the information technology and communication applied to the field of education. In this new scenario, teachers provide relevant information that is useful for the student but the protagonist of the learning process is the student by itself. However, even if the role of the elements of the classroom has changed, we see that the organizational structure of the classroom remains the same way; there are still two figures, the teacher and student. We present a study conducted over two years. In this paper we have experienced a scenario in which teacher leadership emerges within the group. That is, a person that belongs to the group stands out and leads to the acquisition of knowledge. It dilutes the border between the teacher and the leader during the learning process in the classroom. This demonstrates that leadership in the classroom does not depend on a culturally predetermined figure (the teacher), but an attitude. If this attitude is worked and combined with flair we can create a leader who can guide and lead the learning process among other students based on their own interests.

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